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The Law and Social Change (DCS) Laboratory - UMR CNRS 6297

A word from the Direction

Welcome to the Law and Social Change (DCS) laboratory!

DCS is a predominantly legal CNRS Mixed Research Unit which seeks to develop interdisciplinary studies. Our research unit is at the heart of the Societies Hub at the University of Nantes, which brings together researchers from the Faculty of Law and Political Science, the School of Economics and Management (IAE Nantes), the Civil Service Administration College (IPAG Nantes) and the Department of Sociology. It is the principal research centre of the Faculty of Law and Political Science of the University of Nantes and is made up of 64 permanent researchers, 18 associate researchers, 7 post-doctoral researchers and around 100 PhD students. Since its creation in 1982, members of the DCS team have  increasingly become involved in international activities, have contributed to many international publications and have been invited to join many international research networks.

Our team analyses the role of case law, litigation and other juridical activity in achieving changes in contemporary society. Law is understood as a comprehensive social phenomenon: it is simultaneously the product of the values and conflicts of society and a major vector for societal change. DCS seeks to express both an internal perspective (research in law) and an external perspective (research about law). Today, juridical activity occurs on many spatial levels, from the local to the global, and the DCS team has developed studies relating to the local, European and international levels.

The research conducted by the members of the DCS team covers both private and public law and covers six broad, interlocking themes: “Political and Legal Europe in the Era of Globalisation”, “Local Governance and the Relocalisation Process”, “Technological, Healthcare and Biopower Innovations”, “Justice(s): Standards, Practices and Societies”, “Human, Social and Professional Mobilities” and “Legal and Interdisciplinary Reflexivities”.

The main theme of our research for the five-year period 2021-2026 is the management of crises (public health, economic, social, terrorist, etc.) and its relationship with the legal State and with freedoms and fundamental rights.

High-ranking research projects are conducted here, including European projects, French National Research Agency (ANR) projects and French Regional “Rising Star” projects. Our team also includes several European Chairs, including an Erasmus+ Jean Monnet Chair.

Members of the DCS team also supervise students at the university, including Master’s students in Environmental and Urban Planning Law, in Criminal Law and Criminology, in Public Law, in Social Law, in History of Law and in European and International Studies.

Lastest Publications

Res Judicata in European Union Law
Res Judicata in European Union Law - A Multi-Faceted Principle in a Multilevel Judicial System
Araceli Turmo

Editeur: EU Law Live Press
ISBN: 978-84-123589-3-3
Publication date: 02/03/2023

EU Law Live Press
--- --- --- --- --- --- --- --- --- --- --- --- --- --- --- --- --- --- --- --- The Evolving protection of Prisoners' Rignts in Europe
The Evolving protection of Prisoners' Rignts in Europe
Gaëtan Cliquennois (édit)

Editeur: Routledge
ISBN: 9781032047980
Publication Date: 30/12/2022
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Social protection and inclusion policy responses to the COVID-19 crisis France 2021

Social protection and inclusion policy responses to the COVID-19 crisis - France 2021

Huteau Gilles, Legros Michel, Martin Claude, Sopadzhiyan Alis, Valdes Béatrice

European Social Policy Network (ESPN)
Parution Date: July 2021
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Spec Issue Special issue: Human rights, prisons and penal policies

Cliquennois, G., Snacken, S., & van Zyl Smit, D. (Guest Editors)(2021),

European Journal of Criminology, 18(1)
ISSN: 1477-3708

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Livre Clémence The Dynamics of Welfare Markets
Private Pensions and Domestic/Care Services in Europe

Clémence Ledoux, Karen Shire , Franca van Hooren (Eds)

Editor:  Palegrave Macmillan
Parution Date: 04/02/2021
ISBN: 978-3030566227

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"European Human Rights Justice and Privatisation: The Growing Influence of Foreign Private Funds"
Gaëtan Cliquennois

Editor : Cambridge University Press

Publication Date : 15/10/2020
ISBN : 978-1108497053

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Committed to the responsible development of meat replacement products and practices: comparing multidimensional barriers and potentials in European countries

Call for abstracts "Coercion and Well-being in Europe"

SCIENTIFIC HOSTING for a few days or a few months

If you'd like to be hosted on a research internship in the DCS research laboratory.

Contact us 

Scientific actuality

  • ComplianceNet - Conference 2022
    7/07/ 2022 - Gaëtan Cliquennois, How do conservative and liberal interest groups try to moralise the European Human Rights Justice and make it compliant with their own interests?
  • Scientific project - European Human Rights Justice under moral influences? - JUST_MORAL
    More information… 
  • Scientific project - The legal challenges of the ecological transition of territories threatened by rising waters
    More information…

Lastest article

Gaëtan Cliquennois, Sonja Snacken, Dirk van Zyl Smit (2021). The European Human Rights System and the Right to Life Seen through Suicide Prevention in Places of Detention: Between Risk Management and Punishment.

Human rights Law Review, 1-28

right to life, 
suicide prevention, 
places of detention, 
risk-based approach, 
risk management, 
Article 2 European Convention on Human Rights


Address and Contact Details

Laboratoire Droit et Changement Social - UMR CNRS 6297
Faculté de Droit de Nantes
Chemin de la Censive du Tertre
BP 81307
44 313 NANTES Cedex 3
Tel : +33 (0)2 40 14 16 01
Email : dcs@univ-nantes.fr

Access Map



Mis à jour le 16 February 2024.