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Scientific Actuality


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Res Judicata in European Union Law
Res Judicata in European Union Law - A Multi-Faceted Principle in a Multilevel Judicial System
Araceli Turmo

Editeur: EU Law Live Press
ISBN: 978-84-123589-3-3
Publication date: 02/03/2023

EU Law Live Press

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Scientific project - European Human Rights Justice under moral influences? - JUST_MORAL
ANR Logo
60 months - January 2023-december 2027
Strategic litigation; private foundations and NGOs; moral and religious values; European human rights justice; Human rights

More information…
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The Evolving protection of Prisoners' Rignts in Europe
The Evolving protection of Prisoners' Rignts in Europe
Gaëtan Cliquennois (édit)

Editeur: Routledge
ISBN: 9781032047980
Publication date: 30/12/2022


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Scientific project - The legal challenges of the ecological transition of territories threatened by rising waters
Logo IERDJ 2 years - February 2022-February 2024
Coastal areas ; Global warming ; Coastal risks ; Protection of populations against risks ; Property rights

More information… 

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Online - The ethical management of Artificial Intelligence
The ethical management of Artificial Intelligence

A European-American dialogue - The current perspectives on AI rick management framwoks
=> November 2


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LSI (Law & Social Inquiry) Symposium Workshop
Detention and Human Rights in their global, national and local contexts

Detention and Human Rights in their global, national and local contexts
=> September 30 & October 1


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Webinar M2 - Seminar "Green Politics in the Age of Ecology": Being green by all means


Master 2 Political Science University of Nantes - Moderator: Muriel Rouyer, Prof. of Political Science
=> Tuesday 2 March 2021



A French-American dialogue on AI & privacy, trust, and human oversight in health and well-being

Date and Time
Mon, Nov 9, 2020, 2:45 PM –
Tue, Nov 10, 2020, 2:45 PM CET
- To see or review

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The Green New Deal, A Transatlantic Climate Change Consensus?

- ASH CENTER FOR DEMOCRATIC GOVERNANCE AND INNOVATION, at the Harvard Kennedy School of Governance -
Monday, June 22, 2020, 11:00am to 12:00pm US EDT - To see or review: https://ash.harvard.edu/event/green-new-deal-transatlantic-climate-change-consensus

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ETUI-AIAS webinar

Job Quality in Personal Household Services: Towards Better Regulation - with Clémence Ledoux for The French case.
June 18, 2020 - To see or review: https://www.etui.org/events/etui-webinar-job-quality-in-personal-household-services-towards-better-regulation
Mis à jour le 25 September 2023.